Introducing : Bad Beat Jackpot Ever thought a losing hand could make you a winner? Think again! We're thrilled to introduce our brand new Bad Beat Jackpot - turning your poker tragedies into epic victories.

Here's the Deal: If you're holding a monster hand of AAAJJ or better and still get outplayed, you're not walking away empty-handed. Instead, you could be walking away with a massive chunk of our jackpot pool!


Unbelievable Jackpots: Every time you think luck isn't on your side, the Bad Beat Jackpot begs to differ. The pot is always growing, and you could claim a slice!

AAAJJ or Above: That's right! If you have this hand or any hand stronger, and it still gets beaten, you're in for the jackpot treat.

Everyone's a Winner: Not just the one with the 'bad beat' hand, but all players at the table will share a piece of this tantalizing jackpot.

So, the next time the cards aren't falling your way, remember - in our world, even the unluckiest hands can lead to the grandest victories. Get ready to turn those poker heartbreaks into jackpot elation!

💰 Play now and you might just hit the Bad Beat Jackpot! 💰

Badbeat Jackpot Criteria/Rules-

1. To hit/ qualify for the Badbeat Jackpot, the losing player should have a minimum hand strength/ combination of AAAJJ( Full house of Aces over Jacks) or better.

2. To qualify for the Badbeat Jackpot, the losing or winning hand must contain a pocket pair for four of a kind.

3. Once the badbeat Jackpot is hit/triggered on a Jackpot table, the Jackpot prize gets distributed among the losing player, the winning player, and the other active players on the table in the hand where the Badbeat Jackpot is hit.

Below are the payouts for loosing hand

10/20 - 2% of the BBJ

25/50 - 5% of the BBJ

50/100 - 10% of BBJ

100/200 - 20% of BBJ

200/400 - 25% of BBJ

250/500 - 30% of BBJ

a percentage of the sum will be distributed to the Winner of the hand and the other players involved in the hand, and the remaining amount is moved to the new Jackpot.